Package-level declarations


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An implementation of IMfmParser that detects whether the search start position has reached the end of the search string.

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An implementation of IMfmParser that searches for carriage return and line feed characters in a given string.

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An implementation of IMfmParser that searches for carriage return characters in a given string.

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An implementation of IMfmParser that searches for line feed characters in a given string.

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An implementation of IMfmParser that finds the beginning of a line within a given string. "beginning of line" indicates the following.

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An implementation of IMfmParser that searches for the end of a line in a given string. "End of line" indicates the following.

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An implementation of IMfmParser that searches for newline characters (line feed, carriage return, and carriage return followed by line feed) in a given string

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An implementation of IMfmParser that searches for whitespace characters (space, tab, and full-width space) in a given string.